Wrapping your vehicle is one of the most cost-effective marketing and advertising methods out there. Compare it to TV and radio and there’s no contest. TV and radio will cost 3 to 10 times as much as a wrap – for only 3 months! Compare vehicle wraps to billboards and you still win. Billboards and vehicle wrap both offer great exposure to your message and are noticeable.
Here is the difference:
$1500 to $2500 per month for a billboard compare that to a one-time price of $3,000 to $5,000 for 5-7 years!
Advertising companies talk about visual impressions – or in other words, how many sets of eyes see a given sign or billboard in a day. Billboards average about 50,000 visual impressions each day, compare that to 32,000 views on a wrapped box of a truck that’s on the road for 8-10 hours per day or 15,000 views for a service truck that is parked. If you do the math the cost per view is significantly less for a wrapped vehicle.
Target Audience:
Bill boards market with a ‘shot gun’ approach. Compare that to vehicle wraps. Most often your vehicle is parked or driving in the area of your most desirable customers. Trades vehicles in new contruction areas and service companies that cater to the public are usually parked in front of a clients home – in full view of the neighbors that may need the same service
What about your message?
Here are three important tips:
2. Make sure you have some sort of contact information incorporated into your design. Make it easy for people to contact you by having your website, email address (if it’s not too long or complicated) or phone number where they can see it easily.
3. Incorporate images. People will remember an image and associate it with your company better than just words alone. If you sell dog training services, think about incorporating dog images into your design.